Saturday, June 22, 2024

Amiga Point of View issue 5

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People are still making fanzines. This is fantastic news. Just recently I've been enjoying issue five of APoV, AMIGA POINT OF VIEW printed barely 14 years after issue four. It's got reviews, articles, a great cover, pretty much everything you'd expect, and it's a great read. There are features on Amiga 8-bit emulators, games which never existed, and an interview with the Magnetic Fields team which I have bookmarked in case my plans for a trip to Llandudno ever achieve fruition.

You can buy APoV issue five here. $2.50 for a PDF version but UK readers also have the chance to order a print version. Go ahead and buy a copy. It gets my seal of approval.

Follow them on Twitter @APoVAmiga.

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